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Artistic principles in dentistry


69 $

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Що включено:
0.75 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Доступ до запису протягом 180 днів

Програма уроку

– Basic artistic principles:

- Balance

- Emphasis

- Proportion

- Variety

- Movement

- Rhythm

- Harmony.

– Artistic principles in dentisty:

- Blend of symmetry and subtle asymmetry

- Emphasis or the dominant element

- Proportion

- Variety

- Perspective and illusion

- Frames: lips and gingiva.

– Basic skills of perception

– Goals of aesthetic dentistry.

Recommended for: Prosthetist, Dental Technician, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Implantologist, Endodontist, Pediatric Dentist, General dentist.

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Лектори (1 людини)

Member of the American College of Prosthodontists American Association of Dental Research, American Dental Association. Former director of the UCLA Center for Esthetic Dentistry, a full time didactic and clinical program for graduate dentists. Founder and former director of the UCLA school for Esthetic Dental design. Currently a professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham Dental School. Co-Director of the Biomaterials Division.

ArtOral America