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Extrusión quirúrgica y reimplantación de dientes

4.78 (46 оцінок)

278 $

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¡Inmersión total en extrusión quirúrgica y reimplantación de dientes por Stefan Neumeyer, Nicola Grande y Daniele Bordonali!

Durante el curso, usted aprenderá:

– Protocolos de trabajo en el concepto de extrusión del Dr. Stefan Neumeyer

– Diversos métodos de alargamiento quirúrgico de la corona

– Técnicas de reimplante dental intencional.

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Лектори (3 людини)

Member of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE), the American Association of Endodontics (AAE), the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry (SIDOC) and the Italian Academy of Endodontics (AIE).

Doctor works in private practice limited to endodontic and microsurgery in Rome – Italy.

Degree in dentistry and dental prosthesis at the University of Catania.

Developed together with other members the “Tomorrow Tooth” vertical approach in prosthodontic.

Attendant of numerous annual training courses in surgery and implantology. Speaker at conferences on topics related to implant and prosthetic surgery in Italy and abroad.

Author of the Tissue Master Concept.

Member of the ICED team (International Centre of Excellence in Dentistry), Eastman Institute London.

Awarded the medal of the Bavarian Association of Dentists.

Member of the International College of Dentists (ICD).


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4.72 (19363 оцінок)

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