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Gnathology – the past, the presence, the future


The term Gnathology was established 100 years ago. Searching and finding geometrical-mathematical principles of occlusion and the stomatognathic organ starts much earlier as pre-gnathological area. In the 1970ies, a breakthrough emerged due to hinge axis recording (instead of pantographic tracings) and the introduction of a cranial reference plane. Gnathology is often called a special discipline for the dysfunctional patient. This is wrong. Gnathology is, in the spirit of the fathers and pioneers, the discipline of occlusal functions and occlusal parameters, serving as fundament for all dental disciplines.



Handling the complexity of gnathological parameters in Oral Rehabilitation


Functional parameters of occlusion and the craniomandibular system require a fundamental knowledge and excellent skills in planning and transferring for each individual patient. Vertical dimension, the therapeutic position, occlusal plane, spheric arrangement of teeth (sagittal and transversal) and a clear sequential occlusal guidance concept with canine dominance are a matter of the consequent application of gnathological principles.



Anastasia SLAVICEK, Giulja TANTERI

The temporo-mandibular joint – imaging, tracking, considering


Dealing with the structures and functions of healthy and disturbed TMJs is part of contemporary oral rehabilitation. The use of imaging techniques (CT-Scan, MRI) is mandatory. The clinical application of hinge axis recording techniques is crucial to understand not only the impact of pathologies on the mandibular dynamics, but also to establish a proper treatment strategy. Considering the temporo-mandibular joints is not only the task for so-called gnathologists, but for all dental disciplines.


Alexey LYAN, Grigory POPOV

Who we are and what we can do! The clinical application of contemporary gnathology dentistry


Gnathology and functionally oriented dentistry have been relegated to a subordinate department at most universities. On the other hand, many dental practitioners are very strongly oriented in this direction. On the one hand, in order to have certainty in diagnosis and treatment based on the comprehensible parameters, and on the other hand because the demands and expectations of patients require this. These presentations are held under the motto of the entire meeting: WWAAWWCD! (Who we are and what we can do).

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Лектори (7 людина)


Owner of the clinic of functional and minimally invasive dentistry by Dr. Grishin.

Founder, CEO and owner of Orehab Minds GmbH, Stuttgart. Honorary member of the Romanian Dental and Maxillo-Facial Prothetic Society, the Italian Association of Gnathology. Visiting Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State Medical Academy.

Dentist, Maxillofacial Surgeon, Master of Biomedical Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Gnathology. Lecturer and tutor at Steinbeis University, Berlin. The author of the best-seller «MRI of Temporomandibular joint».
General Practitioner Dentist, Orthodontist. Master of Science Biomedical Interdisciplinary Dentistry with Professor G. Slavicek.