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Types of complications associated to immediate implant placement

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Програма уроку

– Types of complications: technical, mechanical or biological

– Risk factors associated with dental implant fractures

– Complications and time: immediate, early and late

– Fast osseointegration concept to avoid early complications

– Immediate implant placement technique to ensure primary stability and avoid non stability of our implant

– Guided surgery to avoid wrong implant 3D positioning. Concept of real prosthetic Guide.

Recommended for: Implantologists.

Навички, яким я навчуся на курсі

Отримати безкоштовну консультацію менеджера з навчання

Залишіть свій контакт і ми допоможемо вам вибрати навчання
Надсилаючи заявку, я даю згоду на обробку персональних даних і погоджуюсь з Договором публічної оферти

Лектори (1 людини)

DDS at Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid).

Founder of the Dental Surgery Channel.

Master Degree in advanced Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University.

Master in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry, ESORIB, Madrid, France and USA.

Expert in Straight Wire Technique for Orthodontics and Advanced Biomechanics (ORTOCERVERA).

Spanish Periodontics Society Member (SEPA).

Scientific Committee Member MINEC and International Speaker for MEGAGEN.

Medical Director of ADVANCE Dental Institute.


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