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Impaction: causes of development, anatomical prerequisites, instruments and techniques of operations

4.89 (9 оцінок)

52 $

69 $ -25%

доступна 9 днів 06:16:48

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1.5 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Доступ до запису протягом 180 днів

Програма уроку

– Tooth eruption

– Dental inclusion aetiopathogenesis

– Differences between impacted tooth and tooth held in the bone

– Problems associated to dental inclusion

– Indications and contraindications for third molars extraction

– Anatomy features of maxilla and mandibula

– Types of roots shape and position

– Radiographic signs of contiguity roots and inferior alveolar nerve

– Classifications of tooth position

– Patient preparation before surgical operations

– Step-by-step surgical procedure: instruments and equipment, anesthesia, access flap, bone resection and odontoectomy, sutures

– Features of piezoelectric surgery

– Comparing of traditional and piezosurgical approach of impacted teeth extraction

– Clinical cases of piezosurgical impacted teeth extraction

– Clinical case of implant placement using piezosurgery preparation

– Possibility of piezosurgery in orthodontic treatment of impacted canines.


Recommended for: Implantologist, Periodontist, General dentist.

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Лектори (1 людини)

Graduated with Lode in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of L’Aquila in 2007. Specializing in Oral Surgery at the «Sapienza» University of Rome in 2010. He is a Adjunct Professor and tutor at the San Raffaele University of Milan. He is a Scientific Advisor to the Dental Clinic at the Department of IRCCS San Raffaele in Milan (Dean Prof. E. Gherlone). He works in Milan and Isernia, where he practices Implantoprotesis and Oral Surgery. Author of many publications, Speaker in National and International Congresses on Implantology and Oral Surgery. Member of the San Raffaele Implant Cultural Association, SIMO (Società Italiana Maxillo Odontostomatologica) and member of IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration). Member of International Extraction Academy of California.


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