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Продвинутая функциональная стоматология в концепции Мариано Рокабадо

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526 $

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Продвинутое обучение протоколам лечения краниовертебральных, краниомандибулярных дисфункций и дисфункций ВНЧС в концепции Мариано Рокабадо!


Вас ждет подробный разбор протоколов и клинических случаев, охватывающих полный спектр реабилитации перечисленных дисфункций от А до Я. 


В ходе курса вы изучите: 


– планирование лечения по протоколам Мариано Рокабадо

– протоколы рентгенологического исследования ВНЧС и краниовертебральной области 

– техники сплинт-терапии и полной функциональной ортопедической реабилитации 

– принципы трицентрической концепции и ее применение в функциональной реабилитации.


Обучение от легендарного лектора и первоисточника информации Мариано Рокабадо! Такое пропускать нельзя!

Навички, яким я навчуся на курсі

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Лектори (3 людини)

Dr. Roberto Gutiérrez and associates Bioesthetics Dental Clinic is born from Gutiérrez Dental Clinic launched over 50 years ago by Dr.Roberto Gutiérrez C. and his wife Dr. Lya Álvarez in Marcoleta. As the years passed they transmitted their love for the profession on to their 5 children who joined and formed the Gutiérrez Dental Clinic in El Golf neighborhood. In 2002 Roberto made his own path and began a project in our clinic’s current location, where his main goal was always to give the best he could to his patients. Consequently, he always traveled to multiple courses abroad, until in the year 2009 he begins, under the eyes of the OBI Foundation, to learn the science of Bioesthetics in the United States (Portland, Oregon). For three years he created strong friendships and professional ties, he learned and took a turn in the way he practiced his profession. He trained his laboratory technicians in this new discipline and began to grow in this new dentistry looking to imitate nature in order to restore the aesthetics and functionality lost in smiles. This passion for his work was transferred on to his daughters María Jose and María Fernanda, both dentists who intend to follow this path of continuous improvement and service, in order to deliver concrete and quality solutions to people.
Physical therapist Universidad de Chile. Orthopedic manual therapist specialist, Health Institute Atlanta, USA. Dean of Faculty of Science of rehabilitation Universidad Andres Bello 2005-2017. Head teacher Universidad Andres Bello. Doctor in physical therapy Saint Augustine Florida, USA, 2003. Head teacher in Universidad de Chile, Dentistry Faculty, Orthodontics Department. Medical and Physical Rehabilitation Director Integramedica, Chile. Cedime Director: Musculoskeletal Disfunctions Study Centre, Santiago, Chile.
Dentist at the "Roberto Gutiérrez A. y Asociados" dental clinic. Level III OBI Foundation, USA.


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Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.


We provide education in 7 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Russian.


Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.